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Monday, April 13, 2009

Applications of Strings in DBMS, Programming languages, and Word processing. Any 2 can be explained.?

Like in DBMS how it helps in querying. And in Word Processing one instance is of the Find and Replace option provided through the usage of strings...

What I want is that I need to know how this is internally done using strings...A page about each..Thankyou.....

Strings are nothing but collection of characters. In simple English it is like a "WORD".

1.In "DBMS querying" you need to display the records that are relevant to the question. Consider that you have a student database. If you need to see the records of a student AAA, then you query the data base with the string AAA. Here the STRING AAA is searched with all records and if there is any record that has the name AAA it shows that student's record.

2.In Word processing (as you have said) you have the FIND AND REPLACE option that works using strings. Here you type the STRING to be needed. For example consider that you need to find the string BBB in the entire document. Now when you give find the word processor searches the entire document for the word BBB. If it occurs anywhere then it will invoke the replace function and replace this occurrence of BBB with the new string.

3.Programming languages???All the above processes like querying in DBMS and FIND and REPLACE in word processors are done using programming languages. They use a STRING variable (just like a normal integer or character variable) and search the document for any similar value. If a similar value is found ,DBMS displays the result whereas WORD PROCESSOR issues the replace command.

Hope I helped :-)

If you consider 'strings' as meaning a set of ASCII characters, it will make more sense. In any of the situations you've given there is a search for specific ASCII or ANSI characters. If the search comes up with a result then the next part of the program kicks in (like Replace). This is why some searches are picky about upper and lower case letters because one has a different ASCII code to the other. In web searches they have a subroutine that can decide if an upper or lower case letter means the same to the operator, such as 'c' or 'C'.

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