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Monday, April 13, 2009

I have a problem with Piczo?

I have a site on piczo and Its not letting me delete or move anything please help me! 10 points to the first person who tells me something that works!

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  1. I'm unable to delete or add stuff too. Anything I can add ends up on my homepage by default. I've tried updating Java, using different browsers, using different operating systems, uploading to New Stuff, old and new tools... It's infuriating and I am using Piczo to host K-12 website links. www.webucation.piczo.com

    I can't seem to find any communication portal that explains the issues and what they are doing to fix the problem. In the past there was an issue with the images showing a piczo thumbnail. Piczo recognized the problem and assured users something was being done to fix it - we are not seeing this message and I wonder if it's due to the change of management. I have way too much time invested here for something serious to go wrong like this. If any Piczo employess are reading this, we accept that **** happens, but please communicate with users - transparency is the name of the game these days.

    I just started this new site (phoyagesworld.piczo.com)
    And it is not letting me delete this picture I have or this ad I put.
    I can move it to another place or change the code but I can't add or delete anything!!!!


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