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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Can I use a SATA Laptop Hard drive as a PERMANENT Main drive in my Desktop?

Can I use a SATA Laptop Hard drive as a PERMANENT Main drive in my Desktop? I already know i can attach my Laptop SATA drive to my desktop and it works, that is easy and i have had no problems. What i am asking is if there is any issues with using it as a permanent main drive for my desktop. The Laptop drive is 160GB and my current drive in my desktop is only 40GB. Is there any Con's, issues that i will run into, problems in the future?

It will work, though i would not do it. Most laptop drive run at 5400 rpm and most 3.5" desktop drives run at 7200rpm. you will very likely experience a performance decrease if it is used as your main drive. you can buy 3.5" sata drives in the 750gb rang for <$100 on newegg.com

Yes you can use it! Just make sure you find a place inside to mount or place it so that isn't going to short out. I have used mousepad with the pastic/vinal top (cheaper ones) and cut it and put it around it just to make sure that it laptop drive's circuit board doesn't end up laying against the metal case! You should be fine though!

You can you a SATA to USB cable and boot off that drive.

why wont you go to best buy and call for geek squad no joke they help me with problems on my Laptop

All you need, is the proper adapters.

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